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3 Tips Tricks for Choosing the Best Topsoil for Residential Lawns

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A beautiful lawn with healthy plants, including flowers, shrubs, and trees, depends on the topsoil. Plants need the uppermost layer of earth for nutrients and water. The topsoil colour differs significantly from one region to another; for example, you might have beige sandy soil or reddish clay soil. However, the best topsoil is filled with organic matter, which makes it darker. Organic matter supports plant growth, translating to a healthy lawn. This article highlights tips for choosing the best topsoil for residential property lawns.

Take a Soil Sample

A successful landscaping project is pegged on understanding the current soil profile. Taking samples from different parts of a lawn helps a landscape professional establish the current topsoil composition. For instance, if your yard has high clay content, an expert might recommend the addition of sand soil to enhance aeration and drainage. Besides, knowing soil composition helps determine the type of plants to grow in your yard.

pH Level 

Different plants flourish in different soils; therefore, you should establish whether the topsoil in your property is acidic or alkaline. pH refers to the level of acidity or alkalinity in topsoil. Any value below 7 is acidic, while values above 7 are alkaline. Most sandy soils are acidic, while topsoils with high calcium content are alkaline. Vendors dealing with garden and lawn soils sell DIY kits for testing soil pH levels. However, when buying topsoil, you need to work with an expert to establish pH levels accurately. If the topsoil does not meet the recommended pH level, you need to make adjustments, such as adding sulphur chips to alkaline soils. For acid-loving plants, you can add ground or slaked lime to increase the topsoil's acidity.

Consider Triple Mix Topsoil

If you are unsure about the quality of your topsoil, you can opt for blended topsoil, known as a triple mix. Triple mix topsoil offers you the best options — quality topsoil, compost, and peat moss. Peat moss is integrated into the topsoil to aid in water and nutrient retention and improve aeration. Compost is a critical ingredient in topsoil because it adds organic matter necessary for providing plants with nutrients. Besides, compost makes the topsoil lighter rather than soggy and heavy. Lastly, ensure that you buy triple mix topsoil that is thoroughly screened and blended to avoid the introduction of pests in your yard.

Reach out to a professional who provides soil supplies in your area.
