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Don't Let the Weather Stop You: How to Plant Turf During the Winter

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Winter is here. It's time to do some yard work. If you're like most people, you might think that you need to wait until summer to get started on the yard. That's not actually the case—in fact, winter is an excellent time to plant turf in your yard. Cooler temperatures and increased rainfall, let you establish your new turf. But, you do need to take steps to protect your new turf. That way it has a chance to develop strong roots. If you're ready to plant your turf this winter, read the list below. Below are four steps that will help your newly-planted turf thrive this winter. 

Choose the right turf

If you want to give your turf a chance to thrive this winter, you need to start with the right variety. You have a lot of different turf varieties to choose from. One particularly hearty winter turf is Kikuyu. Turf varieties like Kikuyu and buffalo turf do well when planted during the winter months. These turf varieties also do well in a variety of conditions, including full sun and full shade. be sure to choose the right turf variety, that way, you can avoid problems with winter planting schedules. 

Get the soil ready

If you're going to plant turf this winter, you want to make sure the soil is prepared beforehand. Proper soil preparation is essential for healthy winter turf growth. Start by removing all the weeds from the soil. Next, remove rocks and loose debris. Once you've done that, you can turn the soil over with a rotary hoe. If you don't have access to a rotary hoe, you can use a garden fork to loosen the soil. Finally, you'll want to stabilise the pH levels and add natural compost to the soil. You're now ready to plant your turf. 

Increase watering

If you're planting turf during the winter, you might think you can reduce your watering schedule, however, that's not the case. Newly-planted turf needs lots of water, regardless of the time of year. Start by saturating your turf right after planting. Let the soil dry out a bit between watering sessions. Continue the process of saturating the soil and then letting it dry out a bit. This regular schedule encourages deep-root growth. 

Limit foot traffic

If you're going to plant turf this winter, think about foot traffic. Too much foot traffic during the winter can damage your new turf. To avoid damage, try to limit foot traffic until the weather warms up. That way, your new turf has a chance to get established. 

If you want high-quality kikuyu turf, be sure to work with the right supplier.
